Thursday, August 6, 2009

Faking Forty-four Cents

Usually when you hear about counterfeiters, it's people making up phony twenties or hundreds - the biggest denominations that merchants would accept without batting an eye. You wouldn't expect anyone to make fake dollar bills, but someone has been busted for doing even less than that. Someone in Williamstown, down in South Jersey, has actually counterfeited postage.

Now, there's a little more to this story: The guy they caught makes his living selling CDs and videos on eBay. So he uses a lot of postage - more than $200,000 worth of the fake stuff, according to the complaint filed by the U.S. attorney. He would print out a postage meter strip from, then photocopy it for multiple packages.

I think many of us take a good look at a hundred-dollar bill when we get one. Now, maybe we should start taking a look at the stamps on our letters - do those look real to you?

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