Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Daddy Bonus

Everyone's heard of the mommy penalty, wherein women with children tend to make less money in their careers. But according to a study by a researcher at CUNY, the opposite may be true for men. In 2010, male workers with children tended to earn 40 percent more than childless men.

Part of that may result from the fact that fathers tend to be older than men without children, and thus more established and more senior in their jobs. But the data also showed that even among similarly aged men, the difference persisted. In the 35-49 cohort, men with children earned a median of $54,500 in 2010, while those without children earned a median of just $35,970.

That's an even starker difference than the mommy penalty. In that same year and age range, women with children earned a median of $30,520, while those without earned a median of $32,700.

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